About Dr. Paul
Mental health therapist Dr. Paul has been compiling accounts of paranormal experiences for over thirty years. They were all in rough medical note form and had been gathering dust for years. In 2006, Dr. Paul released a few to a specialized professional audience for review. The lucky few that were privileged to read these rough drafts demanded a greater release of the work by the reluctant doctor.
A passionate science fiction and fantasy reader in his youth, Dr. Paul has studied the paranormal extensively in his adult life, giving him a unique understanding of the unusual. This has allowed him to offer a sympathetic ear and uncommon understanding to patients to whom other health care professionals have been unable to relate.
Dr. Paul is a skeptic at heart and claims never to have had an unusual experience. He has been quoted, “Most of my patients are suffering from delusions or misapprehensions and simply need my help.” He has found over the years, however, that a certain percentage of the experiences related to him have no rational explanations other than exactly what the patient has claimed.
Over the years, many of his patients have given him permission to use his medical notes to write books of the very unusual experiences the patients had. In 2009, Dr. Paul was awarded a Platinum Membership in the Paranormal Association. Since that time, he has been an adviser of the mystic unusual and is often invited to attend ghost exasperations with investigating teams.
精神科医のポール博士は、30 年以上にわたって超常現象の体験談をまとめてきました。それらはすべて粗い医療記録の形で、何年もほこりをかぶっていました。2006 年に、ポール博士は専門家にレビューのためにいくつかの記録を公開しました。これらの粗い草稿を読む特権を得た幸運な少数の人々は、消極的な医師による作品の公開を要求しました。
若い頃は SF やファンタジーを熱心に読んでいたポール博士は、成人してから超常現象を広範囲に研究し、異常なものに対する独自の理解を得ました。これにより、他の医療専門家が共感できなかった患者に、共感的な耳と並外れた理解を提供することができました。
長年にわたり、多くの患者が、患者の非常に異常な体験について本を書くために彼の医療記録を使用することを許可しました。2009 年、ポール博士は超常現象協会のプラチナ会員に選ばれました。それ以来、彼は神秘的な異常のアドバイザーを務めており、調査チームとともに幽霊騒動に参加するよう頻繁に招待されています。